As I sit organizing my computers in prep for the influx of business expected this year, I AM GRATEFUL!
This short list of steps taken and results ... I share simply to encourage those of you who are also DREAMING BIG and EXPECTING MORE (in whatever aspect of your life).
In 2021:
- I quit my job with Apple,Inc. to refocus on my family and businesses
* Result: More than doubled my income
- Learned a simple wellness system to support famillies during the pandemic
* Result: $500+ /month residually
- Increased my A. Payne's Designs clientle
* Result: Stretched my time management, personal and business skillsets
- Became Creative Director for The Saunders PR Group
* Result: Better organized my project and systems flow
- Worked 2 businesses at the same time while a mom + wife (mompreneurForREAL)
* Result: Realized (even more) how much I NEED GOD! I am nothing and can do nothing without Him (John 15:5)
- Dwelled in contentment
* Result: Saved money by repainting my 2009 car instead of looking for something new #lessISmore
- Got COVID in November (mild case)
* Result: Got the rest, relaxation and reset I REALLY needed!
- Set real prices for my service$
* Result: Personal Job Promotion
- Experienced the challenges of managing marriage/kids/business
* Result: Becoming a better communicator, more organized and strategic at home
- Stayed consistent with relationship platoform Marriage: REAL Talk
* Result: 1000+ members in community, awesome team and testimonies from those involved
In conclusion... 2021 was a challenging, stretching, scary, exciting and so many other emotions. What are you anticipating for 2022? As for me... I'm ready to THRIVE! #AmberMabryThrives