I'm busting into NOVEMBER with joy, peace and gratitude.
This year has been one of much growth and change. Being a wife, mother and entrepreneur has allowed me to mature (stretch), explore and launch in so many ways.
Today I pause to say "THANK YOU LORD for all you've done for me. If you never did anything else for me I KNOW that I'm blessed, wealthy and 'Positioned for PURPOSE'. For this I A.M. grateful."
There were many times in my life I could have died. There were many times I could have given up. BUT I'm here! #InsertPraiseDance
THIS YEAR I've....
- Become more bold about my faith in God
- Hit Year 11 - Married to my hubby
- Relaunched an online women's community (Visiondefinedwomen.com)
- Survived a hit and run accident
- Made the most money in my businesses (as a full time entrepreneur - since I began 12 years ago)
- A. Payne's Designs has been making moves and expanding within and outside of Columbus
- Been able to spend time with my kids as a mom while having multiple consistent income streams
- Begin 2 Online Intensive programs to help PUSH women into their purposes
- Seen my son blossom as a Kindergartner (who just hit honor roll)
*** And the list goes on.... (all Glory to God)
I know who (and whose) I AM
I'm walking in my calling intentionally.
I'm creating impact.
I'm sharing love and encouragement.
I am partnering with God in every assignment as He shows me how.
I LOVE YOU FRIENDS... Happy November. I pray we all move forward by faith (with actions) as we close out 2023. Those looking to collab in 2024 #LetsGooooo (Ambermabrythrives.com)
God Bless you!
Photo credit: Angela Jackson Yousey
Wardrobe: Fillie489 /Aziza Velez